Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> George Cebulka > wrote:
>> Dimitri wrote:
>>> OK the "Who taught you to cook" post got me thinking:
>>> What did your grandmother cook that you miss the most:
>>> Dimitri
>> Slovak: stuffed cabbage, goulash, poppy seed bread and walnut rolls....
>> And she cooked all of it on a wood burning kitchen stove... *sigh* god
>> but my Bubba could cook...
> George, if you don't have this book, Slovensky Jedlo, you should give it
> consideration. You'll remember foods you've forgotten. '-)
> Are you having a problem making holubky? Maybe I can help. Ja som
> Slovachka! '-)
> Dobru' chut' !
lol...Sorry I don't speak language...The sad part is that none of us
grandkids do. That ability was lost with our parents generation. I
remember my dad telling me that Bubba and Jedo were very strict about
them using English outside the home. I think the lesson stuck a bit too
Thanks for the tip on the book. I'm going to pick up a copy.
Do you have the FCSLA - Slovak-American Cookbook? I have well worn copy
dating from 1972.
I think I make pretty good stuffed cabbage, if the fact that
whenever I make a batch, it goes really quickly... However, I would be
more than interested in your version of the recipe.. Just for curiosity
sake, what part of the country are you from? And how many generations
from the old country are you?