My mom's tuna fish salad
Serene Vannoy wrote:
> Tara wrote:
>> I probably ate three or four tuna fish salad sandwiches a week when I
>> was little. I loved them. I have never been thrilled with my own
>> tuna fish salad; it tastes too fishy to me. I blamed it on the poorer
>> quality of canned tuna these days.
>> Here's how I make it: Aldi brand tuna, Duke's mayonnaise, salt,
>> pepper, celery, sometimes onion. It's okay -- not wonderful.
>> My mom was here this weekend and here's how she made her salad: Aldi
>> brand tuna, Duke's mayonnaise, salt, pepper, celery. It was
>> delicious.
>> Proof positive that the secret ingredient is love.
> Yep, I'll buy that. :-)
> I always prefer the sandwiches James makes me to the ones I make myself.
> Serene
Love, okay. I think it's also the fact the we didn't make it
ourselves, and sometimes, too, that we don't have expectations for
the dish. (I put in that "sometimes" because that didn't seem to
be a factor with the OP's tuna--or, then again, maybe it was.)
Jean B.