On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 17:02:08 -0700 (PDT), Ravi
> wrote:
>On Jul 15, 6:29 pm, Kenneth > wrote:
>> >http://www.fosterfarms.com/products/...=ca&productcod...
>> >Someone told me that I can't just bake them in the oven -- I must add
>> >bbq sauce.
>> >Do I just add bbq sauce, leave them in the fridge overnight and then
>> >bake these in the oven?
>> >Also, what is the difference between those wings and these wings?
>> >http://www.fosterfarms.com/products/...ductcode=90565
>> Don't visit those links...
>> They are loaded with malicious programs...
>Well, I don't know about that... It is the official Foster Farms web
>site and works OK for me.
>What evidence do you have to support your assertion that the site
>contains malicious programs?
Hi Ravi,
I visited the site, and as it opened, my anti-virus software
(Kaspersky) notified me that the site was trying to download
a worm (Net-worm.
JS.aspxor.a) to my system.
I have emailed you a screenshot...
Of course, I have no direct way to know if the warning I
received was spurious, but KAV has not let me down yet.
Also, I went back to the site moments ago, and I still get
the warning.
And, with respect, the fact that it is the "official" Foster
Farms site is simply not relevant.
As I am sure you know, hackers have compromised many sites
we would expect to be far more secure than those of a food
All the best,
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