Can I bake these chicken wings in the oven?
In article >,
Kenneth > wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 08:19:54 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >In article
> >,
> > Ravi > wrote:
> >You've given me an idea for tonight's dinner -- grilled wings! I have
> >fresh green beans and new red potatoes for sides. Yeah, that's the
> >ticket!!
> Hi Barb,
> You sent me an email, and I responded...
> Moments later, I received a response with instructions
> telling me how I can circumvent your anti-spam efforts.
> I spent several minutes responding to your question,
> (because I included a screenshot to allow you to see the
> warning I saw).
> Please check your Inbox if you would like to see my
> response.
> Also, you might want to look into a (free) product called
> SpamBayes. It solved my spam problem years ago, and could
> not be easier to use.
> All the best,
Thanks, Kenneth. I did receive the message. I run a Macintosh and am
not affected by the malicious stuff that affects Windows boxes.
My ISP does a great job with junk mail as do all my active mail
accounts (web-based).
And my chicken wings for supper were wonderful!!
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Preserved Fruit Administrator
"Always in a jam. Never in a stew." - Evergene