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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

On Wed 16 Jul 2008 03:13:42p, Steve Pope told us...

> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>Lia, I agree with both of your scenarios. However, there has to be a
>>consistent policy that the airline follows. It's too large an industry
>>not to have such policies in place and insure that they're followed.
>>If they did this, it should avoid having disgruntled passengers and
>>confrontational dialog.

> While I see where you are coming from, sometimes the best approach
> to a situation is to muddle through, and deal with issues as they
> arise, rather than having a firm policy.
> From the airlines' perspective, even with no stated policy,
> most passengers are not too large for most seats; in the cases
> where they are, often the seat next to them is empty, they can
> change seats around to arrange this, or they can move them to
> business/first, or the passenger next to them might not complain.
> In a tiny fraction of cases, with no policy, they will have to
> bump the large passenger to the next flight.
> Whereas if they had a stated policy, either large passengers would
> end up having to buy two seats, or a business/first seat,
> ahead of time; or if they aren't required to do so, they'd
> be entitled to sit in a coach seat. Either scenario has
> significant disadvntages to the "muddle through it" approach.
> It boils down to the airlines have good reasons to handle
> it the way they're handling it now.
> Steve

Having had this situation inflicted on me numerous times, I couldn't
disagree more, Steve. I simply don't want to have to deal with it, and
often the airline personnel won't. I paid my money...I am fully entitled
to the entire seat I paid for.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/16(XVI)/08(MMVIII)
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