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Donald Martinich Donald Martinich is offline
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Posts: 159
Default Favorite ravioli filling?

In article >,
"TammyM" > wrote:

> I've gotta hankering to make ravioli. What's your favorite filling recipe?
> Feel free to let me know how you sauce it up too!
> TammyM

I still think my mother's is the most satisfying. The filling has swiss
chard, parsley, onions, pork and/or veal, (chicken will work), eggs,
grated parmigiano, bread crumbs, and seasonings. She mostly served them
with a sauce of fresh tomatoes cooked with chicken backs and necks,
onions, celery, garlic, parsley, basil, and mushrooms. I've always liked
them in just butter and grated cheese. Since I make my own ravioli, I
know how much work is involved and can't help but wonder why people use
something so unsubstantial as pumpkin for the main filling. Something
to do with Martha Stewart? <grin>
