When you cook-Do you want to eat it?
On Wed 16 Jul 2008 07:11:33p, Gregory Morrow told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Wed 16 Jul 2008 03:17:59p, Kswck told us...
>> > Regarding making something that is NOT the usual dish on any given
>> > night at home.....
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I find when I make something elaborate, I don't want it once it's
>> > finished. I guess it has to do with tasting here, seasoning there,
>> > tasting again, etc. By the time it is finished, I want more of the
>> > accolades of people eating the dish than actually eating it myself.
>> >
>> > You?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> I never cook anything that I don't want to eat. I wouldn't waste my
>> time.
> I don't think that's what the OP means...
> He means something along the lines of that if you've spent a lot of time
> and trouble cooking something are you so sick and tired of it when you
> are done that you are not hungry...
Doesn't happen to me, Greg.
> I know when I've spent all day cooking that by the time the food is
> ready to be served I'm not even hungry anymore...in fact I don't even
> want to think about food for a whiles, let alone partake of it...I'm
> like, "I can't imagine doing this for a living"...
Well, I can't imagine doing it for a living, either.
> I know several chefs that work at higher - end places, not only are
> their fridges and pantries pretty bare, but at home they subsist on
> stuff like Kraft mac 'n cheese, baloney sammiches on cheap white bread
> with cheese "product" slices, Chipotle, Big Macs, etc. They do food for
> a living and so in their home lives like to keep it simple. They are
> also very thin...they'll often say, "I'm just not hungry a lot of the
> time, I'm around food so much...it reminds me of work"...
> When they entertain, they'll put on the dog, they have access to the
> best ingredients (like my chef friend who recently had us over on a
> Sunday afternoon and treated us to a coupla hundred bux worth of
> artisanal cheeses, nice wines, etc.), but in their daily lives they can
> get pretty sick of food. Cooking is very hard work...
> Kinda like a coupla IT people I know who so hate computers that they
> don't have computers in their homes. They get more than enough of
> computer stuff in their work...
> I've known bartenders who are complete tee - totalers, too. They won't
> touch alcohol as they are around it at work and they see what it can do
> to people...one guy said to me, "I don't want to drink because then I'd
> be an asshole like most of my customers are".
> ;-)
Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/16(XVI)/08(MMVIII)
As a matter of fact, no, I don't have
a life.