My mom's tuna fish salad
On Jul 16, 3:11�pm, Tara > wrote:
> I probably ate three or four tuna fish salad sandwiches a week when I
> was little. �I loved them. �I have never been thrilled with my own
> tuna fish salad; it tastes too fishy to me. �I blamed it on the poorer
> quality of canned tuna these days.
> Here's how I make it: �Aldi brand tuna, Duke's mayonnaise, salt,
> pepper, celery, sometimes onion. � It's okay -- not wonderful.
> My mom was here this weekend and here's how she made her salad: �Aldi
> brand tuna, Duke's mayonnaise, salt, pepper, celery. �It was
> delicious. �
> Proof positive that the secret ingredient is love.
She blended hers by squishing it with her fingers