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Default When you cook-Do you want to eat it?

On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 21:11:33 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>I know several chefs that work at higher - end places, not only are their
>fridges and pantries pretty bare, but at home they subsist on stuff like
>Kraft mac 'n cheese, baloney sammiches on cheap white bread with cheese
>"product" slices, Chipotle, Big Macs, etc. They do food for a living and so
>in their home lives like to keep it simple. They are also very
>thin...they'll often say, "I'm just not hungry a lot of the time, I'm around
>food so reminds me of work"...

the carpenter's wife, the plumber's wife, the shoemaker's children....
>When they entertain, they'll put on the dog, they have access to the best
>ingredients (like my chef friend who recently had us over on a Sunday
>afternoon and treated us to a coupla hundred bux worth of artisanal cheeses,
>nice wines, etc.), but in their daily lives they can get pretty sick of
>food. Cooking is very hard work...
>Kinda like a coupla IT people I know who so hate computers that they don't
>have computers in their homes. They get more than enough of computer stuff
>in their work...

My kids are that way. Primarily, it's work, not fun for them. They
simply don't like being on the computer at home for anything other
than business, email or grabbing a recipe off the 'net.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West