Thread: V 8 Fusion
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Laurie S. Laurie S. is offline
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Default V 8 Fusion

On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 18:46:10 +0000 (UTC), enigma >

>Terry > wrote in

>> I am not much of a fruit or vegetable kind of guy.
>> I eat meat and potatoes.
>> A friend suggested those new V8 juices. I still have to
>> force myself to have one, but they are quite good and good
>> for you.

> they're not nearly as good for you as real juice. they are
>also *way* too sweet.

They are real juice.

You might be thinking of V8 Splash, which is a juice drink. I really
like most of the V8 Fusion flavors (not fond of Tropical Orange but
love Peach Mango), but I've only tried the V8 Splash a couple of
times. I think I tried the low-cal ones. They were thin and pretty
sweet; there's more body to the Fusion drinks.

>> Regular V8 tastes like tomato juice but the Fusion drinks
>> are like fruit juice.

> regular V8 tastes like a salt lick. i much prefer Knudsen's
>Very Veggie, if i'm not juicing my own.
> really, why should there be HFCS in juice?

I like V8, but I've never tried anything else other than store brands.
My mom gave me an ancient juicer, but it was missing the thing that
pushes the food down, so I tried shoving celery with a knife handle
and ended up with about 1/4 cup of bright-green yuck. At some point
I'll try juicing at home again. I really enjoy utilizing fresh

As far as HFCS, it isn't in juice of course so there isn't any in V8
Fusion. But I didn't realize it was in V8 splash. It's one thing to
have it in junk products, but it's really bad when it's in stuff
that's touted as healthful. Then again, I pretty much automatically
consider juice drinks to be more of a soft drink than a juice. It's
unfortunate that people are so in the habit of calling it *juice* when
it's not 100 percent juice.

I also find it bothersome that HFCS is in yogurt -- in lots of brands.
I didn't do an extensive search, but I saw it on several different
