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Stan Horwitz Stan Horwitz is offline
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Default Dishwasher or handwashing

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pamjd > wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am thinking of getting a dishwasher. My concern is that my
> greywater goes into a septic tank. How does using a dishwasher
> compare to the amount of water used handwashing dishes.
> Thanks in adavance for your opinions

Consumer Reports covered that question in a review of dish washers. I
don't remember when. Their conclusion was that dishes will come out
cleaner and more sanitary by using a dish washer compared with hand
washing and that the dish washer will cost less in water and heating
then hand washing. Dish washers are more efficient from a functional
point of view and also more energy efficient. The down side is, they
take up a lot of space.