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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

Serene Vannoy wrote:

> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> Gonna blame Lou Decruss for reminding me about this one...

> So now the surveys are off-topic, too? Great.

I dunno, Serene. I think that on-topic/off-topic threads are often in
the 'eye of the beholder' around here. I seem to remember a thread that
went on and on about somebody's 'upset stomach' a while ago, and a great
time was had by all discussing various drugs, treatments etc. for it. I
mentioned that I thought it was a tad off-topic (and also that I thought it
a bit of an 'icky' subject to discuss on r.f.c.) I was subsequently
informed by a certain poster that it was still food-related, even if the
food was 'on it's way out'. I must admit I hadn't seen it in quite that
way, but I had to concede that s/he had a point...

Therefore, IMO if diarrhea can be considered food-related so can this. After
all, obesity is often caused by too much food 'going in', is it not?

> ObFood:
> Got a lovely package in the mail from Barb -- watermelon pickles and
> some Gedney cherry preserves. It was like Christmas in July!
> Serene

You spoiled brat! I'm jealous ;-)

Chatty Cathy

Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...