Thread: V 8 Fusion
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enigma[_2_] enigma[_2_] is offline
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Default V 8 Fusion

Laurie S. > wrote in

> On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 18:46:10 +0000 (UTC), enigma
> > wrote:
>> they're not nearly as good for you as real juice. they are
>>also *way* too sweet.

> They are real juice.
> You might be thinking of V8 Splash, which is a juice drink.
> I really like most of the V8 Fusion flavors (not fond of
> Tropical Orange but love Peach Mango), but I've only tried
> the V8 Splash a couple of times. I think I tried the
> low-cal ones. They were thin and pretty sweet; there's more
> body to the Fusion drinks.
>>> Regular V8 tastes like tomato juice but the Fusion drinks
>>> are like fruit juice.

>> regular V8 tastes like a salt lick. i much prefer
>> Knudsen's
>>Very Veggie, if i'm not juicing my own.
>> really, why should there be HFCS in juice?

> I like V8, but I've never tried anything else other than
> store brands.

store brands will likely be relabelled V8. try finding some
Knudsen's. it's really better than V8.

> As far as HFCS, it isn't in juice of course so there isn't
> any in V8 Fusion. But I didn't realize it was in V8 splash.
> It's one thing to have it in junk products, but it's really
> bad when it's in stuff that's touted as healthful. Then
> again, I pretty much automatically consider juice drinks to
> be more of a soft drink than a juice. It's unfortunate that
> people are so in the habit of calling it *juice* when it's
> not 100 percent juice.

many products are touted as "healthful" in the US, even when
they obviously are NOT. i just saw a 2 page ad in a women's
magazine at the doctor's office that was pushing potato chips
{!} as a part of a "busy family's healthy diet". ok, suuuure.
V8 Splash is a junk drink.

i like this from the V8 Fusion FAQ:

> What vegetable and fruit juices are included in V8
> V-Fusion®? Strawberry Banana contains the juice of 10
> vegetables and fruits: sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes,
> beets, white grapes, oranges, apples, strawberries,
> bananas, banana puree.

that's really 9, not 10. banana & banana puree might be
different ingredients but they are the same fruit.

> Tropical Orange contains the juice of 6 vegetables and
> fruits: sweet potatoes, carrots, yellow tomatoes, white
> grapes, oranges, pineapple.


> Peach Mango contains the juice of 8 vegetables and fruits:
> sweet potatoes, yellow tomatoes, yellow carrots, carrots,
> white grapes, oranges, peaches, mango puree.

again, carrots are carrots. so one is orange & one is

> Pomegranate Blueberry contains the juice of 8 vegetables
> and fruits: sweet potatoes, purple carrots, tomatoes,
> carrots, apples, white grapes, pomegranates, blueberries.

2 colors of carrot again.

> Açai Mixed Berry contains the juice of 8 vegetables and
> fruits: sweet potatoes, purple carrots, carrots, apples,
> white grapes, açai, blueberries, limes.

and again...
not to mention that white grape & apple juices are both empty
calorie sweeteners.

funny how marketing works.

> I also find it bothersome that HFCS is in yogurt -- in lots
> of brands. I didn't do an extensive search, but I saw it on
> several different labels.

unless it's labelled "organic", any yogurt in the US probably
has HFCS. have you read your bread labels recently?
i just sent Ben & Jerry's a blistering email because *all*
their ice cream labels say "all natural" in a big banner at
the top, but most of them contain HFCS, which is NOT a
natural product & is therefore false advertising. it takes
me a long time to shop for groceries because i read every
damn label, even on items i've previously purchased, because
you never know when a company will start using cheap crap
ingredients to save a dime. pickles! HFCS in freaking
pickles! <sigh>
lee <sent the child back to the cereal aisle when he brought
me something with artificial sweetener, & said it didn't have
HFCS... told him to get *sugar*>
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