Medium/Rare Burger Dangers
Sheldon wrote:
> Corey Richardson wrote:
>> Thinking about it, how many people *actually* die or get ill in the US
>> from eating underdone burgers?
> Millions get sick every day... however food poisoning is the most
> under reported illness there is.
> If you grind your own meat while adhering to proper food safety rules
> you can eat it as rare as you like, you can actually eat it uncooked
> with no risk whatsoever.
> Any preground mystery meat must be cooked pretty much medium well...
> however to be perfectly safe it really should be cooked well done, as
> in grey-dry.
> Anyone who eats preground mystery meat for any reason whatsoever is a
> certifiable imbecile... it's actually far safer to eat fresh roadkill.
I've been eating preground mystery meat almost everyday all my life and
never gotten sick from it. So I guess that makes me a certifiable
imbecile for never getting sick.