(2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?
Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> I think that's overthinking the question ... I don't think anyone
>> cares what other people pay until that person is taking up half
>> their seat.
>> I don't think the question was Look around at other aisles and see
>> if any overweight people are too big for their seat. I think the
>> question was Is someone taking up *your* space, even if the question
>> wasn't phrased perfectly that way.
> This isn't the first time I've been told I'm overthinking or
> interpreting words differently from everyone else. It's something
> I've learned to live with. I think I'm being clear, when everyone
> else thinks I'm crazy.
Oh, you were clear and I don't think you're crazy. (laugh)
I was only responding to you thinking it wasn't anyone's
business but the airline and the person who took up two
seats what they were charged.
> To me, the question of whether one person should be allowed to spill
> over into someone else's seat is so obvious as not to need to be
> asked. No one likes it.
I think it's obvious people weren't talking about people who
were seated elsewhere and not affecting their comfort. Same
question, two different angles.
>I imagined one of the airlines advertising that they were requiring all
>babies, no matter how small, to have their own seat which they'd be
>safely buckled into in a car seat type contraption. I figured that the
>cheap parents would be outraged and go to another airline. Meanwhile,
>everyone else would flood that airline with business.
That just cracked me up.