Medium/Rare Burger Dangers
On Jul 17, 10:12*am, "Ms P" > wrote:
> "Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Jul 17, 6:14 am, Andy <q> wrote:
> > Plague in the US?!? What plague?!? No epidemic here that I know of.
> Yersina pestis infections (usually contracted by contact with mouse
> feces)
> still occur, but with modern antibiotics we don't see epidemics of
> it. *IIRC
> it's a problem mainly in the Southwest.
> Cindy Hamilton
> I think you might be confusing two diseases. *The one that's usually
> contracted from mouse droppings and mostly in the southwest is hantavirus..
> The plague in the US is mainly in prairie dogs. *The plagues, bubonic,
> pneumonic and septicemic are usually transmitted by fleas.
> Ms P
You're absolutely right, and now that you've described it, the details
flooding back as if I'd read them yesterday instead of 10 years ago.
Cindy Hamilton