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merryb merryb is offline
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Default OT Airline stories

On Jul 17, 9:28*am, wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:15:34 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
> >As you might have imagined over my, well many years, I have flown quite a
> >bit. *I started flying at the ripe age of 7 about 1950 in the TWA
> >Constellation.

> >I have had many experiences and stories here is one I though I would share
> >so we all can lighten our day.

> >I was taking a red-eye from LAX to Boston for a 2:00 PM appointment with an
> >important customer. This flight was routed through the NEW DFW on A/A. *We
> >left LAX with no problem and got into DFW easily & I boarded the 767 I think
> >for a 7:00 AM departure.

> >Problem. Something was wrong with the computers they told us.

> >It was hot and the flight attendants had the back door open for some air to
> >circulate. *So I was standing there chatting with the flight attendant just
> >to pass the time. *I asked her what was the worst thing that ever happened
> >to her on a flight.

> >She asked if I remembered the AA flight 191 *the DC 10 (the 3:00 PM flight
> >from Chicago to LA) which lost an engine and wend down? I said of course I
> >used to take that flight all the time. *She explained their normal procedure
> >for AA is to change the time and flight number and the time *for the next
> >day. *For some reason AA forget to do this.

> >

> >She explained then very next day she was part of flight 191 form ORD to LAX
> >and they had a brand new attendant right out of training in Dallas.

> >They departed with a Bang (funny noise). *A few minutes later to pilot got
> >on the horn and explained they had lose the hydraulic pressure to the nose
> >gear steering. *The FAA procedure is they would leave the gear down - go out
> >over Lake Michigan dump most of their fuel and come back in to a runway with
> >all kinds of crash equipment at the ready. *He went on to explain the gear
> >would stay straight and at landing speeds they steer with the tail (vertical
> >stabilizer anyway).

> >Now I don't know about you but I always keep one eye on the crew. If they
> >start breaking out the Champaign and drinking it themselves and start
> >playing grabass you know you're in trouble.

> >As it happens while they were out over the lake dumping fuel and the crash
> >equipment was getting in place the brand new flight attendant LOST IT!

> >DIE"

> >I said, *"my god is this true? What was the reaction of the passengers?"
> >She assured me this was true, they had to physically restrain the new flight
> >attendant and the passengers, well the passengers simply ignored the
> >hysterical flight attendant and went about their business as if nothing had
> >happened. *She said it was a deafening silence.

> >They fixed the computer and off we went to Logan 2 hours late none the worse
> >for ware.

> >I am sure you have some stories - care to share?

> Wow, that would be irritating! *Good story. *
> My Dad, long dead, flew often in the 50's. *His favorite story that
> has stuck with me, was on a long trip on Pan Am. The pilot could not
> budge the brakes. *The first class passengers were asked to either
> pull up or push down the brakes-sorry I don't remember. *So they
> rolled up their sleeves and bent down to the opening in the floor
> where the brakes were located and they fixed the problem. My Dad said
> it was fun. *He did have his small pilot's license.
> I fly enough and I too always keep a close eye on the flight
> attendants, especially if I hear a weird noise. *Figure they're a good
> gauge.
> OT: Going to the Netherlands in a few weeks and although I leave here
> (Hawaii) at 8 pm, it takes 2 days to get to Amsterdam. *Pretty much
> flying straight through. *Just time zones, mainly and I can't wait!
> aloha,
> beans
> roast beans to kona to email
> * farmers of Pure Kona- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Wow- have a great trip- that's someplace I'd love to go...