Thread: Have you had...
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Have you had...

On Thu 17 Jul 2008 07:07:02p, Jean B. told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 17 Jul 2008 02:57:16p, Jean B. told us...
>>> Miche wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 15:15:30 +0000 (UTC),
>>>>>> (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>>>>>> Jean B. > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>>> [ Fat-free half & half ]
>>>>>>>> What is in it?
>>>>>>> Usually corn starch, carageenan, guar gum and/or xanthan gum
>>>>>>> along with nonfat milk. Starch-thickened milk, in other words,
>>>>>>> processed with an agglomulator machine so that it stays in
>>>>>>> suspension for weeks without separating.
>>>>>>> If you dislike processed foods this is not the product
>>>>>>> for you. It is however nutritionally harmless.
>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> I just read Michael Pollan's book In Defense of Food, and this type
>>>>>> of stuff is exactly what he talks about avoiding, in the search for
>>>>>> real food. Makes you think....
>>>>> I do think that a diet like that our ancient ancestors ate is
>>>>> probably the healthiest. And sometimes, I act on that thought.
>>>> Local food available in season? Yeah.
>>>> Miche
>>> I think so. Also, think about hunting and gathering--the
>>> quantities, what was consumed then. We have strayed pretty far
>>> from that plain fare.

>> I generally hunt and gather within the confines of the supermarket,
>> farmer's market, and butcher shop. :-)

> True. But you can hunt and gather the healthy stuff. Sure, I'm
> as bad as lots of other people, but I can aspire to better things.

We generally eat pretty healthily, but there are those occasions when we
really crave something 180 degrees in the other direction. :-)

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 07(VII)/17(XVII)/08(MMVIII)
Lead me not into temptation, I can
find it myself.