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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 01:15:51 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>On Thu 17 Jul 2008 05:48:09p, Lou Decruss told us...
>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 19:07:35 -0400, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:
>>> Their fat
>>>acceptance levels are way way lower than mine. I am thinking like 400 lb
>>>plus. That's just waaaay too big to be expect public sympathy.

>> Around here at 400 lb. the only sympathy you get is welfare and food
>> stamps. <gurrrrr>
>> Lou

>That is, unfortunately, so often the case. Two stories... Last year when
>I injured my back and was unable to walk without a walker for an extended
>period, I seriously needed to use an electric cart when shopping in almost
>any large store. Could I find one of the store-provided carts available?
>Only rarely, because the obese people had taken all that were available.
>More often than not, I left the store without shopping because someone who
>needed one because they were too fat to walk had taken all that were
>available. This was easily observed when I was able to get a cart and saw
>the others in use.

As I mentioned in another post the fat acceptance crap seems to
involve imposing on others. I've witnessed the wheelchair thing
myself. I also notice what's in the basket. Never any produce. Just

There was a segment on one of the networks about food prices and
people who get food stamps. They interviewed a store manager and he
talked about what he had to stock up on for the first of the month
rush. Most of it was unhealthy stuff. They also interviewed several
shoppers using their food cards and looked at what they were buying.
Who in their right mind on a limited budget would fill a cart with
cases of bottled water and soda, Individual serving sized junk food,
sugar coated cereal etc.etc? They were all way overweight but were
bitching they weren't getting enough handout money for food. One even
stretched the truth and said she had to skip eating at the end of the
month. She pulled the "I gotta take care of my babies" crap. She
weighed at least 250 pounds. I wonder how someone who is starving
could be so fat? Even the reporter saw through the garbage and
commented on the lack of produce in the carts. They all said they
couldn't afford good food. Which to me meant they were too lazy to
prepare it. The show and the lazy pigs really bothered me.

>A "success" story at my place of work involved a lady who probably topped
>out at over 400 pounds. If she hadn't been as knowledgeable and talented
>as she was, there were many occasions when she might have been fired
>because of weight-related illnesses that lasted for weeks at a time, far
>beyond the allocated sick time and accrued vacation. She was finally told
>to "take care of the problem" or start looking for another position. She
>opted for gastric bypass surgery and went on extended leave for 3 months.
>To date she has lost over 250 pounds and works a normal schedule with very
>limited periods of absence.

That's a great story. Proves many things.

>Too many obese individuals are enabled by family, friends, and even
>employers (if they're able to work at all), and their co-workers have to
>take up the considerable slack.

Very true.
