On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 19:14:56 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>> My Dad, long dead, flew often in the 50's. His favorite story that
>> has stuck with me, was on a long trip on Pan Am. The pilot could not
>> budge the brakes. The first class passengers were asked to either
>> pull up or push down the brakes-sorry I don't remember. So they
>> rolled up their sleeves and bent down to the opening in the floor
>> where the brakes were located and they fixed the problem. My Dad said
>> it was fun. He did have his small pilot's license.
>> I fly enough and I too always keep a close eye on the flight
>> attendants, especially if I hear a weird noise. Figure they're a good
>> gauge.
>> OT: Going to the Netherlands in a few weeks and although I leave here
>> (Hawaii) at 8 pm, it takes 2 days to get to Amsterdam
. Pretty much
>> flying straight through. Just time zones, mainly and I can't wait!
> Have a great trip. I was at Schipol airport twice last month, once on the way to
>Estonia and then two weeks later on the way back from Denmark. We spent a few
>days in the Netherlands 7 years ago. We had an enjoyable stay in the village of
>Bronkurst, which bills itself as Holland's smallest, oldest city. We also had a
>very enjoyable one night stay in Breda, which has a wonderful downtown pedestrian
>square. Watch out if you are driving. I got a (photoradar) speeding ticket in
>the mail almost 5 months I was there. I was clocked doing 54 in a 50 kph
>zone..... walking speed over the limit.
Thanks. I am sure I will be taking public transport or biking or
walking- no driving.
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farmers of Pure Kona