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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default When you cook-Do you want to eat it?

On Thu 17 Jul 2008 09:26:14p, Terry Pulliam Burd told us...

> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 12:17:47 -0400, Kate Connally >
> fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:
>>Yes. I never understood the thing where people cook something
>>and then don't want to eat it. Only thing I can figure is that
>>they do a lot of tasting as they go alot and that's what takes the edge
>>off their appetites. I almost never taste as I cook.

> It is totally weird and it's been this way my entire "cooking" life: I
> don't like to eat my own cooking. Either day to day or elaborate
> company meals, once I've made the dinner, I'm done. In particular,
> with company dinners, I'm more focused on the mechanics of the meal:
> getting all the dishes prepared perfectly, timed perfectly, etc., and
> by the time the meal is actually on the table, I'm now focused on the
> mechanics of the social end: make sure the dishes are being passed and
> none overlooked, owners of empty plates are offered refills, wine
> glasses, etc., are being replenished, cranking up the Keurig and
> espresso machines, gearing up for the dessert/aperitifs.
> There are a number of Old Timers in this ng who know me personally and
> can likely attest that I love food - I just am more fond of the
> preparation of it than the ingestion of it.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> --

If I'm serving an informal meal to close friends, I can sit with them at
the table, relax, and enjoy the meal completely, while still making sure
that everyone has everything.

OTOH, if I'm serving a rather formal meal to anybody, I do manage to eat,
but I am more caught up in all the issues you mentioned, so I don't enjoy
eating nearly as much. However, when everyone has gone, I'll usually fix
myself a plate that I can relax and enjoy.

I totally enjoy the food I cook, one way or the other. :-)

Wayne Boatwright
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