"Shawn Martin" > wrote:
> "Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
> > "Shawn Martin" > wrote:
> >> "Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
> >> > EMOVETHIS wrote:
> >> >> On 17 Jul 2008 03:41:33 GMT, Nick Cramer >
> >> >> >Lupine Predator > wrote:
> >> >> >> [ . . . ]
> > Hey, Shawn. I'm going up to The Home Wine, Beer and Cheesemaking Shop
> > tomorrow. Gonna pick up a hydrometer, stirring spoon, some yeast
> > nutrient and some fresh Pasteur Champagne yeast as a backup, if they
> > got it. ;-)
> Buena suerte Amigo
Thanks, Shawn. Too damn hot today. No A/C in the Monte. Gotta replace the
driver side door before I replace the A/C. So I just don't drive it in real
hot weather. Can't drive it at night 'til I get the headlights adjusted.
Good excuse to stay home, drink and hit the keyboard. ;-D
Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their families!
I've known US vets who served as far back as the Spanish American War.
They are all my heroes! Thank a Veteran and Support Our Troops.
You are not forgotten. Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~