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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT Airline stories

Sky wrote:

> Just the other day, I saw an authentic, refurbished B-17 fly overhead my
> house! I heard the engines beforehand and ran outdoors. I was lucky
> enough to catch a brief glimpse as the aircraft flew northwards. I only
> wish I had had my camera ready at hand! It was some sight to see!
> Gleeming silver and four engines in the bright crystal blue sky!
> Sky, who says "THANK YOU" to all "military service" personnel!

Two weeks ago I had been out cycling along the Niagara Parkway and had stopped at
a point along the gorge where there are almost always lots of turkey vultures
soaring and you can often see them roosting in the trees. I had taken my new SLR
digital camera with me and snapped some photos. When I got home I was sitting on
the patio previewing my pictures and hear a familiar sounding roar in the air.
Sure enough it was the one and only flying Lancaster in the country flying right
over my house. I managed to get a few pictures of it.