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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default OT Airline stories

Dimitri wrote:

> I am sure you have some stories - care to share?

I know this isn't really the kind of story you were looking for,
but it's airline and it's a story. A repeat I posted years ago:

The last time we went to Disney, it was a hassle boarding (everyone
has kids, what do you expect on a flight to Orlando) ... this one
guy held everyone up. He was driving me crazy. He finally sat down
(on the aisle). Great, now the rest of us can sit, isn't that nice?
Grrr. We're sitting one row behind him, opposite side of the aisle.

Well, we're in the air, the seatbelt light goes off, and his wife and
daughter have to use the bathroom. He lets them out of the row.
Before they come back, the refreshment cart is there. He won't get
back up to let them in, and the refreshment cart is stuck, with
everyone waiting for their coffee. I swear, two minutes go by, and
he finally heaves himself to his feet to let them back in then
settles back down.

That's when my husband said, in a very low voice, 'he sat on his
muffin'. I think, I'd swear he just said, 'he sat on his muffin',
that can't be what he said. What? He says ... 'he saaaat on his

Well, now, tears are running down my face from the effort not to
laugh out loud and I see the guy looking around. Can't find his
muffin, he knows he just had it. Sure enough, he stands up to look
and on his butt is this flaaaaaat corn muffin pancake.

Too funny. Made his aggravating self worthwhile after all.
