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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old

George Shirley wrote:
> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
> the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
> mind for some reason.

Do we get to go back knowing what we know now, or do we have to learn
the same lessons again?

The first answer that popped into my head was how I'd like to go back to
my teens, but that's got to be rose colored glasses. Part of me knows I
miserable in highschool, but somehow I remember those days as good ones.
