Ms P wrote:
> "Jean B." > wrote in message
> ...
>> modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
>>> It just ain't right.
>> Sure it is. Farmed fish isn't right. I suppose, though, that given
>> the condition of the seas, and the population of the world, it may be
>> necessary.
>> --
>> Jean B.
> Catfish are freshwater fish. Farmed catfish are actually better than
> wild caught catfish. Catfish are bottom feeders and tend to taste muddy
> when wild caught. Nice, fat, corn-fed catfish on the other hand are
> yummy. Especially alongside some hush puppies and cole slaw.
> Ms P
Erm, I am odd, but I preferred the old earthy taste. That was
kind-of the point of eating catfish. It had a certain flavor.
Also, you say "fat". I don't recall the farm-raised catfish
specifically, but other farm-raised fish tend to be "mushy"--I
assume because of the fat.
Jean B.