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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default What is the most EVIL food you ever ate???

On Fri 18 Jul 2008 05:52:38a, PeterLucas told us...

> Laxettes.
> My parents, for whatever god-forsaken reason totally unknown to anyone
> else, used to feed us laxatives once a week to make us 'regular'.
> Maybe they should have just fed us fresh cooked vegetables, and fruit,
> instead of that boiled to death shit they used to dish up :-(
> Anyways....... to this day, I rarely eat chocolate because of that.
> I used to puke my guts up everytime. It *is* truly evil.

Purging was fairly common when I was growing up. In my family it was
monthly, and I hated it as much as you did. There were far more evil
products on the market (at least in the US) to do the evil deed than
Laxettes. The worst was probably a syrup called Black Draught. There was
also Dr. Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin, Fletcher's Castoria (syrup), Feenamint
(gum), Ex-Lax (the equivalent to your Laxettes), etc. There were others as
well. Oh, the one I hated the most was Bile Salts Tablets. They gave you
cramps so bad that you thought you had appendicitis.

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 07(VII)/18(XVIII)/08(MMVIII)
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