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Serene Vannoy Serene Vannoy is offline
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Default Kitchen is smelling good!

kilikini wrote:
> I started a batch of chicken and rice soup this morning. I know it's hot
> out, but for some reason it sounds appealing to me. I'm keeping it super
> simple; so far I'm just simmering a carcass with celery and onion. Then
> I'll strain it off, season the broth, pick off whatever chicken remains and
> add rice back at the end.
> I've been looking for simple comfort food lately.
> In any case, it's starting to really smell good in here!

That sounds really yummy. I've been unable to cook much for a few days,
so we've been eating a lot of takeout and easy stuff like toast and jam.
I'm really wanting to cook. Maybe chicken soup is just the ticket.


"I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef