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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

Dave Smith wrote:

> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> Not sure if I agree with you 100% there, Lia. I know a lot of people
>> have 'medical issues' that can and do cause weight problems, but IME,
>> many people are obese simply because they over-eat and/or eat and drink
>> all the 'wrong' foods and beverages (e.g. fries, burgers, soda pop) 7
>> days a week. In some cases, just eating a bit 'healthier' (and maybe
>> doing some form of exercise) can help folks lose a significant amount of
>> weight - but of course that choice is theirs.

> The Big Niece fits in there.

<snipped for space>

> She had been eating non stop for close to five
> hours. Everyone else had a bite to eat or snacked, she had been eating non
> stop.

Ah. I had almost forgotten you get to witness this 'first hand' on occasion.

> She is not much different from any other really obese people that I know.
> They all eat enough for 5.

Quite so.

> Meanwhile I know lots of people with less
> severe weight problems who just can't seem to lose weight. IMO most really
> obese people are so fat because they just don't stop eating.

I have to agree. When I see what some of my obese friends can 'pack away' it
boggles my mind. I love my food, but I get to a point where I'm full, and
no matter how great the food is, I just cannot eat another bite.
Chatty Cathy

Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...