Jean B. wrote:
> modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> > On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 22:04:03 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
> >
> >> modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> It just ain't right.
> >> Sure it is. Farmed fish isn't right. I suppose, though, that
> >> given the condition of the seas, and the population of the world,
> >> it may be necessary.
> >
> > Not sure about that. Catfish farming isn't practiced the same way
> > that, say, salmon farming is. For starters it's done in ponds in
> > Mississippi's Delta region up by Leland, not in pens off the coast of
> > Chile.
> I'd have to look into the comparative nutritional benefits, etc.
> to come up with a catfish-specific response. I will say that just
> as farmed salmon is, to me anyway, noticeably inferior, catfish is
> also... different. That is, if one enjoyed the old catfish
> flavor. Which we did.
That "old catfish flavor" was primarily muddy and dirty, because cats are
scavengers and will so eat *anything*, even excreta...
It's only when catfish started being farmed under cleaner controlled
conditions did it come to be considered anything other than a "trash fish",
considered fit primarily for poor people...