What is the most EVIL food you ever ate???
"PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> Laxettes.
> My parents, for whatever god-forsaken reason totally unknown to anyone
> else, used to feed us laxatives once a week to make us 'regular'.
> Maybe they should have just fed us fresh cooked vegetables, and fruit,
> instead of that boiled to death shit they used to dish up :-(
> Anyways....... to this day, I rarely eat chocolate because of that.
> I used to puke my guts up everytime. It *is* truly evil.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
That practice was apparently much more common than I realized. I have a
friend who described that same procedure, except that her parents used
something far more potent. She became addicted to it, and as an adult
claimed that she *had* to use a laxative several times a week. She refused
to see a doctor about it, but I was really concerned. She no longer lives
in the area, so I don't know how she is now. I understand there were even
families where children were subjected to *enemas* on a regular basis.