Thread: BBQ`song
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Gregory Morrow[_60_] Gregory Morrow[_60_] is offline
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Posts: 47
Default BBQ`song

Chris Marksberry wrote:

> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:50:29 -0500, Janet Wilder
> > > wrote:
> >
> >>Arizona is not nearly as hospitable to their winter visitors. They don't
> >>call them "Winter Arizonans" for one. We experienced the very same type
> >>of attitude that they have in Florida when we spent a winter month in
> >>the greater Phoenix area. One would thing that the money the winter
> >>people infuse into the economy would be appreciated. It's not. It's just
> >>"expected"

> >
> > That's how Wisconsin people are towards Illinois people. They hate
> > us. The lakes are filled with Illinois boats and the hotel and
> > restaurant lots are filled with Illinois plates. I really like the
> > state and enjoy going there but I usually just go up for a day to shop
> > for cheese and produce in the summer. A friend bought a plot of land
> > to retire on. I don't remember how many acres is was but it was many.
> > His taxes were $400 a year because it was considered farmland. He
> > bought an old tractor and dug a little lake. The taxes went to over
> > $4200 the next year because it was now classified as recreational
> > property. The next year it doubled. He sold the farm and retired
> > somewhere else. They are greedy and ungratefully up there.
> >
> > Lou

> When I was a little girl living in Chicago we visited Wisconsin during the
> summer frequently. We had relatives there. I remember one year I wasn't
> allowed to play with a friend I had known. Why? Because I was from

> and might give her polio! It's one of those things you never forget.

Oh man, thats an "excuse" all right...I guess the Salk vaccine put the
kibbosh on that one.


It's not just WI with the Chicawgo peeps, either. Years ago I used to spend
summer weekends with a family in SW Michigan, just over the Indianer border
("Harbor Country", it's called, a big resort area). We used to stop in to a
little time - warp store that some crabby old guy owned, he used to say
stuff like, "This AIN'T Chicago"..."Did those kids learn their manners from
AL CAPONE...!!!???"..."Are you dumb or just from CICERO*!?", etc. We'd stop
in just to get the old coot going, lol. We'd bait him by saying junk like,
"We have such 'n such in Chicago, do you have it here yet?". It was always
something lame like Diet Coke or Hostess Twinkies or the Chicago Tribune
newspaper or something we'd ask about...

[*Cicero is a blue - collar Chicago suburb, at one time a big mafia and
crime hang - out. Still may fact a former mayor, Betty Loren -
Maltese is in jail for corruption. She bought a house in Vegas with the
money she scammed, saying, "I had to buy a place for my mother to live",
