Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 07:19:03a, Jean B. told us...
>> George Shirley wrote:
>>> Gloria P wrote:
>>>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>> If you were going to be 50 years old next week, say, on Monday the
>>>>> 21st, what kind of birthday celebration would you want and/or expect
>>>>> and would you celebrate on the weekend or on THE day?
>>>> Ah, to be turning 50 again....
>>>> gloria p
>>> If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
>>> thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
>>> college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
>>> and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
>>> the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
>>> mind for some reason.
>> I guess mid-30s. I'd say 16, and that might be nice from a
>> physical standpoint, but I prefer having more wisdom and being
>> more centered....
> Oh, Jean, don't tell me you were off-center. :-)
Most of the time, the left one and the right one aren't exactly the same
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