Turning 50 Years Old
Sheldon wrote:
> PeterLucas wrote:
> >
> > My 50th party lasted 17 days (IIRC!!), but the main party
> > was for about 25-30 of my closest friends.
> Wow... 25-30 *closest* friends,
[...snippage of Sheldon SAILING into PL's pre - conceived "notions", lol...]
> To have so many "closest" friends you must be a very shallow person
> and have an extremely low sense of self worth --- I wonder how well
> you even know yourself, probably not at all --- because it's not
> possible to have so many profoundly intimate relationships
> simultaneously, not even separately in a life time
Well, what Peterbreath Puke - ass lacks in self - knowledge he surely makes
up for it in the "braggadocio" dept....honestly, you'd think he was the Ari
Onassis of Australia or somethin'..and continuing in the guinea vein he
come off in fact sorta like an Antipodean Pinocchio.