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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

ChattyCathy wrote:

> I have to agree. When I see what some of my obese friends can 'pack away' it
> boggles my mind. I love my food, but I get to a point where I'm full, and
> no matter how great the food is, I just cannot eat another bite.

My brother was telling me the other day about having dinner with some fat
friends. They cooked a 10 lb prime rib and served it with gravy and a huge bowl
of mashed potatoes. .... no salad, no vegetables. Dinner was beef, gravy and
mashed potatoes. My brother figured it was at least 5 lb of potatoes. My
brother and his wife each had one nice thick piece of beef and declined offers
of seconds. Then the guy offered his wife seconds and she said if he was having
more she would. They ate the rest of the roast and the rest of the potatoes.

Both these people are huge. They are not very tall but are as wide as they are
tall. He had to have knee replacements before he was 50. He was a meat cutter
by trade and was on his feet all day. The weight was just too much for them. She
went of a diet and lost 250 lb. .and was still fat. ..... and then gained it all
back. He has lost some weight, but only because he now has cancer and has been
on chemo several times.