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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

"Lou Decruss" wrote

> I'm sure my shoulders are bigger than 17", but I've never had a
> problem with normal sized people. That's why I said I NEED my whole
> seat. Even someone my size next to me would be no problem. The
> problem is leg room. Uggg

I'm a short little shit <grin>. The only time I had a problem with a tall
person on a plane, it was because they 'assumed' they could use my storage
spot under the seat infront of me for their gear. Sorry dude. At 5ft1in, I
can not comfortably reach the overhead containers. I also have medical
issues making reaching above my head with anything in my hands over 20 lbs,

He wanted me to put my stuff several seats away (ours was full) so he could
keep *his* stuff nearby. His arguement was 'he got there first'.

It was a most uncomfortable flight. The attendant made him move *his* stuff
to that farther away overhead area and out of my spot. He spent most of the
rest of the trip deliberately and childishly bumping me with his knees until
the attendant (I'd said nothing and probably should have) noticed this and
offered me another seat.

The fun part of that is the attendant had a major sense of humor. A couple
with a major ADHD sort of kid, swapped with me so he got the kid who was
also into bumping everything in reach and talking or singing non-stop

Me? I sat with the parents and their other 3 kids and we had a little
party. The parents whispered to me that the ADHD kids was told he could for
once just have fun as long as he didnt bump the seat in front of him. Major
come uppance!

And no, we didnt isolate the ADHD kid from the fun. We were just over the
isle in the center section. The kid had been reasonably well behaved when
next to me across the isle and we just swapped seats.