Thread: BBQ`song
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default BBQ`song

Janet Wilder wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 08:55:23a, blake murphy told us...
>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 16:30:04 -0500, Janet Wilder
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>> The one thing the Phoenix area has that we don't is smog.
>>>>> That we do, but not as bad as California.
>>>> Definitely not as bad as California!
>>> faint praise indeed.
>>> your pal,
>>> blake
>>> ** Posted from **

>> LOL! At least in Phoenix there are many days when there is absolutey
>> no visible smog at all. A lot of our "smog" is actually dust storms
>> in highly turbulent air. It looks as bad as smog, but I doubt it's
>> nearly as unhealthy.

> I have a lot of trouble in the desert. The dust and dryness make my nose
> bleed. My skin gets really chapped and flaky, too. There are some lovely
> mountain views out there, but I just could not live there.
> I thrive in the humidity of deep-south Texas, which isn't really all
> that bad when you compare it to places like Houston or Florida at the
> same time of the year. We have a wonderful breeze that comes up in the
> late afternoon and it becomes quite pleasant.

I lived on the shore of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia for five years. I
think it might have rained a wee bit once during that time. Daily dust
storms blew sand from Egypt over to us and we sent it back in the
afternoon. Not withstanding temperatures up to 125F at times I
thoroughly enjoyed living in that climate. Our humidity sometimes
reached as much as 20% but the Red Sea was beautiful, there were areas
of the desert where we saw gazelles, lots of birds, and even the odd
baboon, and, once, a leopard in the distance. There were thousands of
migratory birds that came through every year including flamingoes out of
Africa and large storks that the Dutch workers said flew all the way to

Now we live in SW Louisiana where today it was 98F with 96% humidity but
there is a beauty to be found here, it's just rougher on my sinuses and
I grew up not 35 miles west of where I am now in SE Texas. I think that
beauty lives wherever you are as long as you are happy there. Now I'm
off to bed.