Thread: BBQ`song
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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default BBQ`song

Chris Marksberry wrote:

> There has been much hoopla locally because of the death of Dr. Michael
> DeBakey. Yes I know he did very good things for heart disease and saved
> lives but I wonder how much Dr. Salk got.

"Salk died on June 23, 1995 in La Jolla, CA, at the age of 80 due to
heart failure."

Salk could have patented the vaccine and been a very rich man, but he
was a humanitarian who was happy to have helped halt a scary disease.
If he lived in La Jolla, he wasn't poor.

As a minimum he has a very nice biology reseacrh building, The Jonas
Salk Center, on campus at the University of California, San Diego.
(Actually UCSD is in La Jolla on some very nice real estate.)

IIRC the building has a beautiful reflecting pool and overlooks the
ocean right by the hang-glider port.

gloria p