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Charlotte L. Blackmer Charlotte L. Blackmer is offline
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Posts: 267
Default Your grandmother

In article >,
Dimitri > wrote:
>OK the "Who taught you to cook" post got me thinking:
>What did your grandmother cook that you miss the most:
>Russian Stroganoff, Stuffed Cabbage,
>Greek Avgolemano soup, Loukomathes, cutlets & Greek/Russian Easter cheese
>Pascha, Rice Pilaf
>Step Grandmother - Pasta Sauce, Spaghetti Carbonara, & Gnocchi.

My paternal grandmother made Parker House Rolls (full of yummy BUTTER ...
she was all about the butterfat) that I miss like crazy every

Other stuff - like the chocolate and tapioca pudding she fed us, and
excellent pumpkin and apple pies - I can get. (The pudding is what I eat
when the chips are down. Roll on Kozy Shack if I don't feel like making
it myself.) I also think of her when I have pork chops and apple sauce.

My maternal grandmother didn't regularly feed me but she loved doing fancy
baking for Christmas dessert. Her eclairs and Buche du Noel are still my
gold standard.

(Last year on her birthday - which is the day after mine - I got an
eclair at Tartine Bakery in San Francisco and almost cried when I ate it.
It was a VERY good eclair.)

