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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Serious question re 60 and 70's stuff

In article >,
sandi > wrote:

> Hi all
> Being a 'newbie" here and not aware of everyones, locations, ages.
> preferences...
> I was a thinking... being a product of the 60 and 70's myself
> (I've always been a 'community' type person and an willing to help
> anyone and in any way in my area...)
> has anyone suggested, due to our/usenet food interests, possible
> ages of some -I wave to this - close to retirement myself and also
> because of the economy... a food lovers community?
> Call me old fashion, love of people, same interests...
> what about a group... to buy some land and communal living?
> Experiment, cook, eat... enjoy life... help one another?
> __
> Anyone have a few (!!) acres to buy into?

Look into the concept of "co-housing."

Niece Jo and I have laughed about living together in our dotage. I told
Beck about it and she laughed and said she wanted in, too. "You can
cook, Jo can pay, and I'll clean. Perfect." LOL!

So NJ tells her younger daughter about it and Katie (in training to be a
nurse at the time) said, "High staff turnover. Definitely, high staff

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Preserved Fruit Administrator
"Always in a jam. Never in a stew." - Evergene