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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default (2008-07-16) NS-RFC: One seat or two?

<sf> wrote in message
> "cshenk" > wrote:
>>And no, we didnt isolate the ADHD kid from the fun. We were just over the
>>isle in the center section. The kid had been reasonably well behaved when
>>next to me across the isle and we just swapped seats.

> LOL! Good for that attendant and good for the parents who must have
> noticed your situation and figured Mr. Man needed a little of his own
> medicine.

Hehe it was funny! Especially when I told a fun story to all the kids about
a bunny who was very sad as his hopper was broken and how many things he
tried to fix it.

Quite evil of me that one!

It was not a long flight, about 4-5 hours in the middle of the day and all
the kids on the plane were just a bit wired. I did *not* start the story
telling. Another did when the TV system went wonkers. One told a fairly
standard fairytale of a princess in distress. I told one on 'Charlotte the
Eagle' who was really my daughter set in King Authur's court (ADHD kid
flapping arms to fly with us all). Another told one based on Harry Potter
and her kid (Jeffers?) helping Harry find some critical clue, then I dove
off to the 'Bunny who lost his hop and how he found it again'. (He needed to
eat his veggies. Hey, it was a young crowd!). 'Oh My! I found my Hop! It
was stuck in carrot! Hop Hop Hop'.

One fellow really sticks out in my mind. His tale was so sweet! He had
horrible facial scars. He started low, and to a tune which he half sung.
It was very 'kermit the froggish' and 'It's not fun to be ugly'. Had to do
with rescuing his priceless daughter who was a princess. Adults tagged that
his face was the result of getting his 4YO daughter out of a burning car.
Kids just tagged him as a hero who wore that face by day but at night turned
into a shining Knight and who had to accept his daytime looks to help
people. (There wasnt a dry adult eye in hearing).

Parents all around were resettling the kids near us and big grins as we
found a simple way to keep them all tolerably entertained. I dare say we
entertained a few adults too with our antics ;-) Full plane and I think
every kid age 4-12 ended up within a few rows of us. I recall a major
resettling 'back to your parents now' called by the attendant about 10 mins
before you have to be seated for landing.

Funny things happen on plane trips. Most are pretty quiet but some stand
out if you fly often enough.

Perhaps 'Mr Man' was a good thing in the overall schema of life!