"George Shirley" > wrote in message
> BOB wrote:
>> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 08:39:21 -0600, Pennyaline
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Andy wrote:
>>>>> I never heard Floridians talk with a Southern drawl. Maybe that's why
>>>>> it's
>>>>> not considered "Southern!"
>>>> In the panhandle they surely do have a drawl.
>>> People think of Florida as Disney, beaches, bikini's, and ocean front
>>> hotels. If you go to central Florida you'll find a different type
>>> lifestyle and just as strong a drawl as any other southern state. The
>>> guys I've seen that liked to get all drunk and go out on lake
>>> Kissimmee late at night to shoot crocodiles always had such a thick
>>> accent I could hardly understand them. Or maybe is was just too much
>>> cheap beer.
>> Are you sure about the crocodiles? I don't think so.
>>> Lou
> Yup, the American crocodile lives in Florida. AFAIK it's the only
> crocodile in North America. Oh yeah, it's considered endangered so
> rednecks shooting it would be put in jail if caught.
Crocodiles would be further southwest, south of Ft Myers, but not Lake