Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >,
> George Shirley > wrote:
>> Wrong. Miller moths can lay their eggs on a bag and the weevils get
>> inside. Flour can come from the store, the warehouse, or the maker, with
>> flour weevils in it. Many ways for the bugs to get in there.
>> Just to be sure I freeze flour, corn meal, dog biscuits, etc. for up to
>> a week before using to ensure the larvae and/or eggs are dead.
> If I see a weevil larva, I pretend I didn't. If I see several, I'm done.
> I can buy into the tiny bits of protein part to a point. I don't believe
> the eggs hatch inside us and don't worry about them. I live in a dry
> enough climate that I've never experienced rancidity in flour. I just
> threw out a one pound bag of flour unopened that had been in our travel
> trailer for two years. But that was because my wife told me to.
> I suppose you could sift them out if you had a mind to. If flour gets
> more expensive, expect a run on sifters.
....or weevil larva recipes. Waste not, want not.
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