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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default Medium/Rare Burger Dangers

Cheryl wrote:
> They eat a seed mix that now I know isn't the best. It has oats and
> also has cereal similar to corn flakes, but it has a few peanuts
> and sunflower seeds and I know those should only be for rare
> treats. I might make their food when this mix is finished up.
> Someone on a group I found about mice makes a mix that includes dog
> food.

I've had pet rats for almost 2.5 years now; they scratch and groom a lot,
too. I feed my rats whatever part of what I'm eating. I will make a meal
with the rats in mind - not kidding! The little furballs don't care for
meat at all, but they love beans, corn, peas, potatoes, rice, pasta, cheese,
cereal and of course, candy. (Which I give them as a treat about once a
month. Tootsie rolls to be exact. And I don't even have to unwrap them.
Somehow they know how to do it on their own.)

I've tried feeding them pellets (an expensive waste), they won't eat them
and I've tried feeding them cat food which they don't eat, either and they
don't eat bread. So, I feed my little critters people food. As long as
there isn't any meat in their food, they go to town.

My husband says I'm making them fat, but heck, they're healthy, they're
alive and Mickey has got to be at least 3.5 years old, now. They only live
to be 3-4. So, whatever I'm doing seems to be working.

What I was told was to keep rodents on a low protein diet. It works for my
rats. Good luck!
