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enigma[_2_] enigma[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 639
Default Medium/Rare Burger Dangers

Cheryl > wrote in

> They eat a seed mix that now I know isn't the best. It has
> oats and also has cereal similar to corn flakes, but it has
> a few peanuts and sunflower seeds and I know those should
> only be for rare treats. I might make their food when this
> mix is finished up. Someone on a group I found about mice
> makes a mix that includes dog food.

the seed mix is a good treat. the corn flake type things may
be rolled corn.
mice do like dry dogfood. they steal the dry food out of my
Malamutes dish in the garage. i was cleaning the storage area
in the garage attic & found about 10 pounds of dog food
stuffed in cracks & boxes they like the barn cat's food
too, but that's less healthy (too much protein, plus getting
past the cats)
mice also need small amounts of fresh fruit & veggies.
one of my mice lived 9 years, so they can be long term pets
if you treat them well.
Last night while sitting in my chair
I pinged a host that wasn't there
It wasn't there again today
The host resolved to NSA.