What is the most EVIL food you ever ate???
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Fri 18 Jul 2008 09:44:39a, Jean B. told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> You were lucky! I also remember my dad taking a weekly dose of Sal
>>> Hipatica (sp), which at least was a bit more palitable to get down, but
>>> the results were the same.
>>> Years ago I worked with a woman who once admitted to drinking a bottle
>>> of Fleet's Phospho Soda on a weekly basis. Now *that* was bombastic!
>> OMG! Having used that ere colonoscopies, I have to say that
>> sounds masochistic.
> She claimed that she rarely had more than one "normal" BM per week, and
> that she absolutely had to do this every weekend.
> I agree, Jean, having also used that in preparation for a colonoscopy. I
> think I'm due to have one again next year, and I'm not looking forward to
> the Fleet's. The colonoscopy itself was a breeze.
Acking on all fronts... Er... I am supposed to schedule one... I
agree re the prep vs the actual event.
Jean B.