What is the most EVIL food you ever ate???
On Sun 20 Jul 2008 08:06:19a, Jean B. told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Sat 19 Jul 2008 04:03:15p, Leonard Blaisdell told us...
>>> In article >,
>>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>>> If I drank it, I don't think I could hold it that long! :-)
>>> How about Cod Liver Oil. I had to choke that down a few times.
>>> leo
>> Thank God that was never in our house! Although I do remember my aunt
>> giving it to my cousins.
> I have a Norwegian friend who swears by it. Actually, it is quite
> good for you (assuming the impurities have been removed) and one
> CAN get it in capsules....
I think I tried one of the capsules once. I could still taste it, and it
kept "repeating". Horrible taste!
Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 07(VII)/20(XX)/08(MMVIII)
'The cat has too much spirit to have
no heart.' Ernest Menaul