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Tracy[_2_] Tracy[_2_] is offline
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Default pizza dough question

Yesterday, I decided to make pizza. In the past I just made the dough
and without even letting it rise - made the pizza.

I have lately been playing with letting it rise first. When I let it
rise I get a denser pizza, but when it doesn't rise I get a much thinner
crust. I like both.

My problem? Last night after I made the dough, my power went out. I had
heard my BIL's power had gone out (he lives one town over) but had it
back within an hour. So, I figured I'd just wait it out.

Let's see, it was around 6 that I made the dough, it was rising nicely,
but I still had no power at 7 or 8. So, I punched it down to let it go
again. No power at 10 or 11. I put the bowl in the fridge at that point.

Power finally came back on at 11:30. Now I have a bowl of cold pizza
dough in my fridge.

Do I let it come to room temp before I try to use it? Punch it down
again and let it rise again at room temp?
