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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Crème brûlée with Chocolate Truffle & Chocolate Sauce: Advice Please!

"Chef Adrien" > wrote in message
>I'm cooking for my father, who likes creme brulee and also likes
>chocolate truffles, (Specifically, Cocoa Powder Dusted Truffles by
>Truffettes de France.) and I'm trying to figure out a way to "combine"
>the two.

Creme brulee is about my favorite dessert, and I am a chocolatier.

I wouldn't combine them.

In my view, good creme brulee depends on a delicate flavor and perfect
consistency, both of which are spoiled by adding extraneous stuff.

You can serve them side by side.

If you want to mimic the flavors in a composed-type dessert, I'd make a good
vanilla mousse and a good dark bitter chocolate mousse, and layer them in a
chocolate shell/band or glass, and top just before serving with some shards
of croquant or plain caramel (the hard glossy kind you make yourself and
grind up to add to other things). I'd probably go 3/4 vanilla to 1/4
chocolate, so as not to kill the vanilla flavor.