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Default Jars for Picling

On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 11:49:29 -0400, Alan >

:Anyone know where to get jars for pickling cucumbers? I want to make
:Kosher garlic pickles. I don't know if it is OK to use plastic and
:maybe that is something that none of us really know. So, maybe glass
:jars are the best. Any ideas?

I found ( ! ) a packet of cucumber seeds one year and that began my
adventure into making dill pickles from scratch. First, of course, I had
to grow cucumbers. I planted a mound in accordance with instructions on
the package and some vege growing books I had (at the time, Sunset), and
get a bumper crop. I had massive amounts of beautiful cukes.

I did some research and found some info on making your own kosher dill
pickles. The biggest secret is using enough salt. If you don't use
enough salt they won't keep very long. This was in the late 1970's and
believe it or not I still have one jar left. However, I'm afraid to open
it because what I see inside looks pretty awful now.

I already had a couple of cases of quart Ball jars, narrow mouth, and so
that's what I used. The process of pickling couldn't have been simpler.
Wash the cukes and shove them into the jars. If they were too big, cut
them lengthwise so they would fit. Put the pickling spices into the jars
and fill with boiled water in which the salt had been dissolved. Twist
on the covers and done! I enjoyed wonderful dill pickles for years. I
also made plum wine one year. Originally I used the jars for plum
conserve, and eventually I ate all that although I wasn't terribly fond
of it. The one use that I had for it was putting it in cole slaw. It was
good in that.
